Objective Question Papers
Que 1: Beta rays emitted by a radioactive material are
Que 2: How much energy will approximately be released if all the atoms of 1 kg of deuterium could undergo fusion?
Que 3: The packing fraction for N isotope whose mass is 14.003 amu is:
Que 4: The binding energy per nucleon is almost constant for many nuclei. It shows that nuclear forces are
Que 5: The binding energies per nucleon for a deutron and an α-particle are x1 and x2 respectively. The energy Q released in reaction 1H² + 1H² → He + Q is
Que 6: The binding energies of the atoms of elements A and B are Ea and Eb respectively. Three atoms of the elements B fuse to give one atom of element A. This fusion process is accompanied by release of energy E. Then Ea, Eb and E are related to each other as:
Que 7: Let mn and mp be the masses of a neutron and a proton respectively. M1 and M2 are the masses of a Ne nucleus and a Ca nucleus respectively. Then
Que 8: One requires an energy En to remove a nucleon from a nucleus and an energy Ee to remove an electron from an atom. Then
Que 9: When the number of nucleons in nuclei increases, the binding energy per nucleon numerically
Que 10: For an atomic reactor being critical, the ratio (k) of the average number of neutrons produced and used in chain reaction
Que 11: Maximum permissible radiation dose a person may have with no adverse effects is
Que 12: For thorium A = 232 and Z = 90. At the end of some radioactive disintegrations we obtain an isotope of lead with Pb. Then the number of emitted α and ß particles are
Que 13: If 10% of a radioactive material decays in 5 days, then the amount of the original material left after 20 days is nearly.
Que 14: If the atomic masses for the parent and daughter element in a radioactive decay are Mp and Md and the mass of the electron me then the Q-value for the radioactive β decay is given by
Que 15: For the fission of heavy nucleus, neutron is more effective than the proton or α particle because
Que 16: Which of the following is the best nuclear fuel?
Que 17: The energy released in the fission of a single U nucleus is 200 MeV. The fission rate of U fueled reactor operating at a power level of 5 Watt is
Que 18: Heavy water is used as a moderator in a nuclear reactor. The function of the moderator is to
Que 19: The volume of a nucleus is smaller than that of an atom by a factor of:
Que 20: Consider the fission reaction:
U → x117 + Y117 + 0n1 + 0n1 i.e., two nuclei of same mass numbers 117 are formed plus two neutrons. The binding energy per nucleon of X and Y is 8.5 MeV whereas U236 is 7.6 MeV. The total energy liberated will be about: